Sabbath Service Update during Alert Level 3

As the present level 3 in the Auckland region will continue to at least August 26. The rest of the country will be on level 2. That means we will not be able to meet in person for our Sabbath service till after lockdown

Our plan is to follow the same procedure as during the first lock-down. The service will be conducted via the webcast

Let’s look forward to a time when present circumstances will drastically change at Christ’s return to establish His government. Despite what the Apostle experienced (II Corinthians 11: 23- 28; I Corinthians 4: 11-13), he did not focus on “things which are seen” but “on things that are not seen” (II Corinthians 4:18).

Please pray that the webcast will proceed smoothly, both for us in NZ, and our Aussie and Fijian brethren who will be joining us.


With brotherly love.


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